Former James Bond Actor Pierce Brosnan And Wife Kelly Shay Smith Sparked Outrage After Their Last Photo

Former James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan is known for his iconic role in 007 films, but his real-life romance with wife Keely Shaye Smith is even more impressive. Married for 27 years, the couple has faced public scrutiny, especially regarding Keely’s weight gain. Brosnan has defended her, stating, “I love every curve of her body,” and considers her the most beautiful woman on earth.

Pierce, who lost his first wife to cancer in 1991, found love again with Keely in 1995. They married in Ireland in 2001, and Keely has been his source of strength, especially after the death of his daughter Charlotte from ovarian cancer. The couple has five children and remains deeply in love.

Pierce often expresses his love for Keely on social media. On their anniversary, he wrote, “Thank you for the love of these past 25 years.” For her 58th birthday, he shared, “My beautiful luscious love Keely.” Despite receiving negative comments about her weight, Brosnan continuously shows his unwavering support and admiration for his wife.

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