Joke of the day | At the hotel with my mistress:

### Joke of the Day: A Moment of Relaxation

“Yesterday, I went to a hotel with my mistress. At the entrance, I saw my father-in-law’s car parked. I lost all desire and knew I’d have problems if he saw me. I told my mistress today was impossible, and she left upset. Out of frustration, I broke both mirrors on his car and went home.

The next day, I saw my father-in-law. He was very upset, and I asked him, ‘What’s wrong with you? You seem upset.’

He replied, ‘How the hell wouldn’t I be? Yesterday, I lent your wife the car, and she brought it back without mirrors.’”

### Next Joke

“Dad, I want to get married!”

“First, apologize!”

“But why?”

“Just apologize!”

“What for? What did I do?”

“You need to apologize!”

“But why???”

“Apologize, I said!”

“Please, just give me a reason!!!”

“First, apologize.”

“Okay, dad… I’m sorry!”

“Perfect, now you’re ready! Your training is over. When you learn to apologize for no reason, then you can get married!”

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