Woman Blocks Man Following Their Date in Which He Paid for Their Expensive Dinner

A woman shared her experience online after a disappointing first date.

She suggested a less expensive restaurant, but the man insisted on going to her favorite pricey place.

They had a good meal and conversation, and when the bill came, both offered to pay. The man decided to cover both bills, which made the woman uncomfortable.

They had a good meal and conversation, and when the bill came, both offered to pay. The man decided to cover both bills, which made the woman uncomfortable.

He made a comment about her last name when he saw her credit card, which bothered her.

Feeling uneasy about his intentions, she thanked him after dinner and then blocked him. She later sent him money for her part of the bill but felt he had crossed boundaries.

Many online supported her decision, saying she had a right to feel uncomfortable and cut off contact.

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