After this situation, my life split into “before” and “after.”

My grandpa was the stingiest man in the world. After he passed away, I inherited a $30 gift card. I was going to give it away, but for some reason, I decided to use it.
My life split into ‘before’ and ‘after’ that moment. The cashier’s face went pale when I handed her the card.Cashier: This can’t be, where did you get this??
Me: Uh… It was my grandpa’s.Cashier:
‘STOP EVERYONE! IN FRONT OF US we have the winner of our store’s decade-long hidden sweepstakes!’ The cashier excitedly explained that the gift card was a special promotional item with a million-dollar prize, unclaimed for years.
I stood there, stunned, as the store manager came over to confirm the unbelievable news. Suddenly, my grandpa’s
‘stingy’ gift transformed into a life-changing fortune, rewriting my future in an instant.

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