“A Couple Got a Free Old House and Fixed It Up”: Now, It’s Their Dream Home!

The couple, with three children, initially had no plans to relocate. However, during a visit to Julie’s hometown in Lincoln, they discovered an abandoned Dutch colonial house that, despite its worn exterior, revealed hidden treasures inside.

The couple fell in love with the house’s potential and envisioned it as their forever home.

The catch? The house needed to be relocated within a year, or it would face demolition. The Lincoln County Hospital & Healthcare Foundation offered the house for free to a new owner who agreed to move it.

The news of a “free house” spread rapidly on social media, leading to a local committee handling the selection process.

Eddie and Julie decided to apply, meeting the criteria set by the committee, including a commitment to keep the house in Lincoln and use it as a family home.

Their bid was chosen, and they officially became the new owners, securing their dream home with no financial exchange.

The couple embraced the challenge of renovating the house. Documenting their journey on social media, they shared their progress and the surprising discoveries during the restoration process.

Their renovations included replacing the roof, removing porches, and sealing open areas to prepare for the relocation.

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