One month before a heart attack, your body will send you of these 6 signs

Foot edema

The lower chambers of your heart may become less efficient at pumping blood if you have congestive heart failure. Blood may consequently pool in your legs.


Your heart gets less blood than it needs when your arteries constrict. Your heart has to work harder than usual because of this, which makes you feel overly exhausted and drowsy.


Your lungs might not get enough oxygen when your heart pumps less blood. Given the interdependence of these two systems, breathing difficulties may be a sign that urgent medical attention is required.


Your body becomes weak when your arteries narrow because it prevents blood from flowing properly. Unexpected falls may result from your muscles not getting enough nutrition.

Cold Sweats and Dizziness

Your life may be seriously threatened by poor circulation, which can limit blood flow to your brain. At first, this could make you clammy and lightheaded.

Pressure in the Chest

You might have been feeling pressure or discomfort in your chest if you are having heart attack symptoms. Up until the actual attack happens, this feeling will progressively get stronger.

Signs of a cold or flu

If flu symptoms appear out of the blue, it may indicate that a flu episode is imminent.

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