My Neighbor Trashed My Backyard for Revenge, but My Payback Was Even Harsher

**The Fence that Started It All**

It began with a fence between my neighbor Dan and me, Jimmy. We always butted heads, and this fence ignited our feud. Dan accused me of blocking his roses, and our rivalry escalated.

**The Quiet Before the Storm**

Our neighborhood was peaceful, except for Dan. One day, he dumped leaves in my yard, leading to an argument about his noisy dogs. The next morning, I hired a crew to build a wall for privacy, infuriating Dan. His dogs disrupted the workers, and I threatened to call animal control, forcing Dan to back down.

**The Garbage War**

Days later, I woke to a backyard full of garbage. Dan had retaliated for the wall. Furious, I called in a favor from a friend with an excavator. We moved all the trash to Dan’s yard and roof, creating a disgusting mess.

**Revenge is a Dish Best Served Dirty**

Dan returned to find his property covered in trash. When he threatened me, I revealed my new security cameras, which had recorded everything. Defeated, Dan began cleaning.

**Lessons Learned**

Our feud settled into a tense peace. While we have no friendship, there’s mutual respect. The fence stands tall, and Dan’s dogs are quieter. Sometimes, fighting back is the only way to handle a nightmare neighbor.

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