With heavy hearts, we report the sad news about the beloved singer Cyndi Lauper.

Cyndi Lauper, known for her 1983 hit “Girls Just Want to Have Fun,” has always embodied cool with her quirky style and empowering message of self-expression. Behind her cheerful persona, however, Lauper has battled psoriasis since her diagnosis in 2010. This chronic skin condition causes intense pain, itchiness, and discomfort, affecting millions worldwide.

Lauper initially mistook her symptoms for reactions to frequent hair coloring, but they worsened, causing her significant distress. Despite her busy life as a singer, mother, and LGBT rights activist, Lauper continues to manage her psoriasis with treatments and stress-relief practices like reiki, meditation, and yoga.

Throughout her four-decade career, Lauper has won numerous awards, including a Tony, two Grammys, and an Emmy. She remains resilient, refusing to let psoriasis hinder her creativity. Lauper openly discusses her condition to help others, including through her podcast “PsO in the Know.”

Other celebrities, such as Kim Kardashian and Art Garfunkel, also live with psoriasis. Lauper’s bravery and advocacy inspire many, proving that challenges can be overcome without dimming one’s talents or spirit.

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