Tiny Cob Houses and Mud Structures by Petaluma Artist Miguel Elliott

As modern construction activities are resulting in resource depletion and environmental degradation, it’s high time for us to be aware of negative consequences of the wrath. It’s heartening to see people switching to 3D printed homes, just to lower the adverse impacts of concrete construction on the environment. Even though there are many modern home buildings techniques, one cannot undervalue the benefits of natural homes or cob houses. People shy away from the ancient technique of building homes with cob, even though they are affordable, easy to build and have almost nil carbon footprint.

Fortunately, there are few people who are inspiring the world to go green, keeping the art alive. One of them is Miguel Elliott a.k.a. “Sir Cobalot”. The Californian man is cobbing for almost over a decade now, and has shown striking examples of his skilled work in countries like Argentina, Guatemala, Africa, Thailand, and around the U.S.

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