Prince William “beside himself” as Kate Middleton reportedly considering sad decision with huge consequences

As of my last update in January 2022, there have been no credible reports suggesting that Kate Middleton is contemplating leaving her royal duties. It’s essential to approach such rumors with caution and rely on verified sources for accurate information about members of the royal family.

While it’s true that Kate Middleton underwent a planned medical procedure in January and has been absent from public engagements since then, it’s important to respect her privacy regarding health matters. Speculation about the severity of her condition and its impact on her royal duties should be treated with skepticism unless confirmed by official statements from Kensington Palace or Buckingham Palace.

Similarly, rumors about strains in her marriage to Prince William and her purported intentions to quit royal life should be approached with caution. The royal family’s personal matters are often subject to speculation and tabloid rumors, and it’s essential to distinguish between credible information and unfounded gossip.

Until official statements are released confirming any changes in Kate Middleton’s royal duties or personal circumstances, it’s best to refrain from drawing conclusions based on speculative reports.

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