Our Granddaughter Sent Us a Note with Disgusting Text Demanding $5000 — So We Decided to Teach Her a Lesson

When my granddaughter Sarah’s wedding plans took an unexpected turn, my husband Jim and I were forced to confront her shocking sense of entitlement. What began as excitement for her big day quickly spiraled into a lesson on gratitude and respect that neither of us could have anticipated.

Alright, peoples, I need to get this off my chest. My granddaughter, Sarah, is getting married soon, and we were over the moon for her. My husband, Jim, and I couldn’t have been happier when she told us the news. We started talking about the wedding right away, thinking about how we could help make it special. But then, everything changed a few days ago.We got a letter from Sarah that left us both speechless. I still remember the moment I opened it.

Inside was a check for $5,000 and a note that felt like a slap in the face. “I want a vacation with my fiancé on my birthday this year,” the note read. “Pay for it. I hope you saved up enough after years of cheap trash gifts for me.” Let me give you some background.

Jim and I have always tried to be there for Sarah. We’re not rich, but we’ve given what we could. Over the years, we’ve made her handmade quilts, given her heirloom jewelry, and even helped with a down payment for her car. We also covered some of her college expenses.

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