My Wife’s Best Friend Mocked Her behind Her Back, So I Decided to Teach Her a Harsh Lesson

### Revenge on a Cruel Friend

I’m Jake, married to Meg for over five years. We’ve faced many challenges together, including infertility. About a month ago, we went to dinner with friends, including Meg’s best friend, Bethany.

After we left, I realized I’d forgotten my phone at the restaurant. When I returned to get it, I overheard Bethany saying awful things about Meg, mocking her infertility and claiming I would leave Meg for her. Enraged, I decided to teach Bethany a lesson.

Over the next few weeks, I pretended to be interested in Bethany, showering her with attention and messages. She fell for it, believing she was winning me over. Eventually, she suggested we meet up alone.

During our dinner, I revealed I’d heard her cruel comments. “You mocked my wife, the woman I love. You thought I’d fall for you? You’re wrong. I’d never trade Meg for someone as cruel as you.” Bethany was shocked and furious.

Meg and I had planned this together. We dealt with the betrayal and emerged stronger. Word spread about Bethany’s behavior, and she faced social backlash. Meg and I moved forward, closer than ever, knowing we could face any challenge together.

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