My Roommate Kept Using Me as Her Personal Shopper, So I Got Creative with My Revenge

My roommate’s constant demands for gourmet groceries with empty promises of repayment drove me to my breaking point. The final straw was when she asked for a list of premium items for a party. I decided it was time to teach her a lesson.

Taryn and I moved into our apartment about a year ago, and everything was great at first. We split chores, had movie nights, and went out for drinks. But Taryn had a knack for getting others to do things for her, and she always asked in a way that made you feel guilty for saying no.

It started with small requests. “Hey Kelly, could you grab some milk on your way home? I’ll pay you back,” she’d ask. But then it escalated. “Kelly, could you pick up some fancy truffle cheese for me? I swear I’ll pay you back!” She never did.

One evening, after a long day at work, Taryn asked me to pick up a whole list of premium items for her party. I decided to get creative. I bought the cheapest boxed wine, processed cheese slices, bland apples and bananas, and off-brand chocolates instead of the premium items she wanted.

Party night arrived, and I watched as her guests’ reactions turned from excitement to confusion and disgust. Taryn’s face flushed with embarrassment as her guests quickly left. I couldn’t resist twisting the knife a little. “Wow, Taryn, your party is really something,” I said, barely containing my laughter.

Taryn realized I had done it on purpose and confronted me. “What the hell, Kelly? You got the wrong stuff on purpose!” she shouted.

I shrugged and replied, “Oh, did I? Must have mixed things up. But don’t worry, you can just pay me back for what I did buy, whenever that day actually comes.”

Her words hit her hard, and she realized she had been taking advantage of my kindness. From that day on, Taryn never asked me to shop for her again and started taking responsibility for her own needs. Our dynamic changed, and although we weren’t as close as before, there was a new understanding. Taryn had learned a valuable lesson about respect and boundaries, and so had I.

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