I’m sharing my garden with a neighbor but they frequently leave what I think are seed packets by my gate. Why would they do this?

Imagine finding a package of seed packets left at your garden gate. While puzzling at first, you might soon feel curious and intrigued. Sharing a garden with a neighbor often leads to such delightful surprises, and the reasons behind them are both fascinating and heartwarming.

Here’s why your neighbor might be leaving these seed packets:

1. **Building a Shared Vision**: Your neighbor may want to enhance the garden’s diversity, attracting more pollinators and creating a sense of community through collaborative growth.

2. **Surplus Sharing**: They might simply have extra seeds they don’t want to waste, a common practice among gardeners who often have more seeds than they need.

3. **Exchanging Favorites**: Your neighbor could be sharing successful plant varieties they love, giving you a chance to enjoy the same success in your part of the garden.

4. **Educational Opportunities**: If you’re new to gardening, the seeds might be an invitation to learn and experiment with new plants, enriching your gardening skills.

5. **Subtle Suggestions**: The seeds could be a gentle nudge to plant something that complements the existing garden or addresses a bare spot.

In any case, these seed packets are gestures of goodwill and shared gardening enthusiasm. Whether you plant all or just a few, appreciate these tokens of community spirit and consider how you might reciprocate. The joy of a shared garden lies in the exchange of ideas and the pleasure of collective growth.

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