I thought I was just for scanning at the checkout counter

Labels on products provide essential information, including fruit stickers found in grocery stores. These stickers contain numbers that reveal useful details about the produce:

– **5-digit codes starting with 9**: Indicate organic produce.
– **5-digit codes starting with 8**: Indicate genetically modified (GMO) produce. GMO foods are rare due to health concerns and ongoing scientific evaluation.
– **4-digit codes starting with 3 or 4**: Indicate conventionally grown produce. Conventional farming uses synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, while organic farming uses natural methods.

Dr. Tamika D. Sims, an expert in food technology, suggests focusing on a balanced diet rather than stressing over these numbers.

The International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS) introduced this system in the 1990s to improve supply chain efficiency and maintain high standards. The IFPS has assigned over 1,400 codes, but not all produce follows this system.

Understanding these codes can help consumers make informed choices and speed up the checkout process.

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