Buy a cardboard box at the store and follow this adorable DIY

Childhood memories aren’t complete without scenes from an adorable dollhouse. Every tiny room and piece of furniture provide endless opportunities for fun and play. Best of all, many exciting DIY opportunities come with decorating a dollhouse.
This DIY dollhouse table is easy to make and takes only minutes to do so. It will add character to a dollhouse kitchen or dining room. You probably already own the necessary supplies to create it.
-Cardboard box
-Elmer’s School Glue
-Paper with wood plank pattern
-Wire cutters
-Crafting wire
-Hot glue gun
1. Cut a piece of cardboard into a small rectangle. This will serve as the table top. Check to make sure it’s the right size by placing it in the dollhouse room it’s intended for. Make any needed adjustments.
2. Take a paper with wood plank pattern, and cut it to the size of the cardboard rectangle.
3. Adhere the paper to the rectangle with Elmer’s glue. Make sure the patterned side is facing up.
4. Cut four pieces of crafting wire the same length. The length should be a little more than double the length you wish the table legs to be.

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