A Simple Motel Tip: The Importance of Turning On the Bathroom Light
For this reason, whether you’re sleeping in a motel or motel, you should turn on the bathroom light.
Travel tips make travelling easier, which is fantastic for people who travel regularly for business or pleasure. Thankfully, flight attendants and pilots, who put in endless hours in the air and in hotels, use social media to share their knowledge and experience. For example, a pilot described a routine he follows to improve his quality of sleep.
Travel Hack from a Pilot

Travellers who suffer from sleep disorientation can benefit from a travel tip that pilot Ron Wagner posted on Quora. People who frequently sleep in unfamiliar locations or travel for work frequently experience sleep disorientation, where they wake up and lose their sense of location. Wagner discusses a travel hack he uses to combat this difficulty.
How to Avoid Bewilderment When Travelling

When travelling, Wagner’s handy tip is to sleep with the bathroom light on in hotels or unfamiliar locations. This will help you see better in the dark. This will help you get used to your new environment and hopefully avoid confusion or panic.
The Pilot’s Interpretation

I had to go to the toilet because the room was completely dark. I lay there with my eyes wide open looking around, trying to find some visual clue. Not a thing. “Total blackness,” he remarks, referring to the practical travel tip. I couldn’t remember the city, and I wasn’t even sure how to get out of bed. Where was the wall? Where had the lamp gone? Which route to the bathroom? “
Including Perspective

He continued: “The hack is to turn on the bathroom light and leave the door cracked just the tiniest bit. Wagner clarifies that you don’t necessarily need to use the bathroom light, but the light coming through that crack will help you get your bearings. Any light will do.
Another Travel Trick

The true trick is to make sure there is a sliver of light someplace to assist you remember where you are, he continued. “If the curtains don’t completely block the light, you don’t need to do this.” “It turns out that I only needed to remember a few orienting clues in the sliver of light, but even so, I still occasionally woke up wondering what city I was in.”
Sleep Disorientation

Although sleep disorientation isn’t an established medical word, Very Well Health mentions something similar, confusional arousal. The transition from the deepest stage of sleep to waking up is often when confusional arousal occurs, and it affects about 20% of adults and children. According to VWH, “different regions of the brain fail to fully communicate with each other,” which is why the cause is believed to be connected to brain function. “As a result, some parts of the sleeper’s brain stay asleep while others suddenly awake.”
Identifying Disorientation in Sleep

Some of the symptoms are:
Bewilderment or confusion.
saying nothing, just staring into space.
Appearing to be “looking through you”
Speech that is slurred or unclear
VWH explains that although confusional arousal may feel frightening, it occurs in brief bursts of about ten minutes.
A Forum for Information

Wagner posted the travel on Quora. Although the reliability of the information on Quora is questionable, the site was created to help people “gain and share knowledge.” In any case, Wagner’s piloting experience is valuable and can help prevent confusion in a new environment. Wagner is not the only airline worker who shares helpful travel tips. However, suggestions range from how to pack effectively to making sure the flight goes smoothly and being ready in case plans change. These additional travel tips can help you feel less stressed when you’re on the road.
- Preserve your valuables.

Never put anything you’re not alright with losing in your checked bag. These could be valuable documents, such as your passport, that hold sentimental or monetary value. Either way, it’s a terrible idea to leave someone else responsible for something important, as not everyone will treat your items with the same care you might use.
2.Have a Financial Cushion

When you travel, things can go wrong, so it’s a good idea to have a few hundred dollars set aside in case you need to eat because your flight is delayed or book a new hotel at the last minute.
3.Carry a power strip.

While it might seem extreme, this travel hack will be advantageous when you get to your gate and discover there isn’t an open plug. Asking someone to replace their charger with your power strip will increase the number of outlets and guarantee that you always have the option to charge your gadgets before a lengthy flight.
4.Jot it down.

It is a good idea to write down the address you will be using so you can give it to your driver or enter it into your GPS. In this manner, you can be sure they have the right information. This travel hack extends to all travel plans including anywhere you might have reservations or an outing planned. Get some business cards from the hotel as well, so you can hand them out to different drivers as you tour the area. Alternatively, you can utilise your phone to save essential information. Instead of referring to an email, it’s a good idea to write it down because you might not have Wi-Fi or service until you get to your destination
.5.A Packing Trick for Travel

Last but not least, female flight attendants share that packing light and folding your clothes can help you make more room. In the meantime, the military employs a “fold and roll” technique. Small items like tank tops, socks, and underwear are allegedly folded. Next, roll those into larger items like pants and sweatshirts.