Should We Eat Eggs With Blood Spots?

Have you ever cracked open an egg to find a little red blood spot in it? If you have, what did you do with the egg? Did you throw it away, or did you shrug your shoulders and continue cooking with it?

Many people are unsure if these eggs are still safe to eat. We’re going to clear up all of the confusion for you as to how and why these spots happen, what they signify, and, of course, if they are still safe to eat.

Are Eggs With Blood Spots Safe To Eat?

You are likely reading this article because your main concern is whether or not eggs with blood spots are safe to eat.

We will get straight to the point and tell you that, yes, they are – as long as they are properly cooked. They are completely harmless and won’t cause any illness.

You can continue cooking with them as normal. If you prefer, you can also use the tip of a knife or something equally as small to remove the spot before cooking.

Egg whites may also contain brown meat spots. These are little pieces of tissue picked up by the egg as it passes through the oviduct.

They are also completely harmless. On the other hand, if an egg white is pink, red, or green in color, this egg should be discarded. It likely means that a potentially dangerous bacteria has grown in that egg and could make you sick.

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